I’ve been on a hunt for a Hello kitty mouse that looks sturdy and reliable, I’ve seen some in some PC stores or CD-R king, well they do have one but it doesn’t look like it’s going to last a month, since I will be using it for gaming purposes too. Maybe I am asking too much for a mouse eh? haha.
BF and I went to CD-R king the other night as we were looking for a good sturdy pouch for my camera, wasn’t able to find one so I opted for a mouse, I kind of needed it urgently before my rest day so I found one. It’s not pink but somewhat close to a cat, a paw printed mouse. BF kept on nagging me to buy a cleaning kit for the camera turns out I ended up using just the cleaning cloth.
What I like about this mouse is that after use, there are no messy wires or tangles.
What I don’t like about it is that the wire is a little bit thin, thinner than the usual wires. At least it’s cheap so incase this gets destroyed I won’t feel bad that I didn’t pay for a hefty price for this. But performance wise, it’s pretty good. The cleaning kit is P40 btw.
I still plan to invest on a good mouse and definitely a good camera pouch, my camera deserves it, and will be getting a screen protector too and a pretty pink strap. Haha. I have to save up a lot since KOMIKON is almost near and I want to buy the Book 4 of TRESE and the new ZsaZsa Zaturnnah comics.
As for CD-R king, I like that some of their products are cheap, but you could expect some of the quality ain’t good either. My favorite things in the store are their SD cards and card readers.
Till then!