My blog is not just about beauty stuff, as stated, my blog is about things that I love, so for today, just wanted to share an achievement unlocked!
My major role in the family ever since our old maids left is to cook for them. They’ve requested misua with meatballs. I’ve cooked misua before but used sardines, so cooking it with meatballs is new to me and quite frankly, I’m not confident in cooking it. But thanks to the handy internet for the recipe.
Ingredients are pretty simple, what I was worried about is the meatballs. But thanks to Shopwise meat section for the ready made meat balls. My fabulous chef friend told me, that misua sucks us the liquid a lot, so it was a good idea that I put a lot of water but still flavorful enough. I just used knorr cubes in replacement of stock.
Misua with meatballs
Ingredients used:
misua noodles
salt and pepper to taste
patis (fish sauce)
beef knorr cubes
It was really yummy, the ready made meatballs was good too. Of course, if you’re the type who has the time to make your own meatballs, go ahead. Now, I’m happy that I have another recipe learned.
By the way, happy weekend (to most) to you my dear readers! Hope you’re all doing okay, any weekend food tripping?
Till then!