Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Belgian Chocolate Milk tea


    The Belgian Milk tea has been out for a while sold at your 711 convenient stores. Well, I never really bothered to try it until last week, my office mate recommended that I try it out. So I did, and asked my friend K to buy one too. It costs around P30+ not more that 40 pesos, which I think is pretty cheap since the bottle is quite big.


    Well, it’s pretty good, but the taste reminds me of the Montagne Chocolate mask A LOT! it smells like the mask and every time I take a sip, it’s as if I’m drinking the mask, haha. Don’t get me wrong, it’s just me, but it’s a worth buy. The chocolate taste is mild, but you can taste it, for my taste bud, I can taste a hint of tea (just a hint). Maybe this would be a good combination with the Montagne chocolate mask, because you’d definitely crave for chocolate once you have the mask applied in your face XD


   Will I buy again? probably so, that is if I crave for it.


Till then!



  1. I don't go to our local 7-11 stores. Not as much as I would go, let's say, when I am in Taipei haha I don't know why. This drink is intriguing because I love milk tea, I am willing to try it haha

    Thanks for dropping by my page. I saw that you link me up too! ; )

    I got a screen cap and will feature you in my next SPOTTED edition!

    Keep on writing!


  2. @MrsM: I see, I'd prefer 7-11 than ministop. That's interesting, then you should give this one a try then. I stand corrected about the price, it's around P40+ almost 50 pesos.

    I really like your blog, I came across it while blog hoppin'. Oh, that's really nice, thanks much in advance. Looking forward for more posts.


  3. Hmm.. i think i'll will try this drink. I'm curious 'cause I do love Milk Tea a lot! hehe! :)

  4. @Noelle Chantal: I see, it's good, they also have milk tea, i might just try that. ^_^

  5. i love mineshine milk tea in 7-11. i havent tried the belgian choco tea though

  6. @[ccokiespink[: I will try that mineshine tea next time.


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