Monday, November 19, 2012

My Last Blog Post for Blogger

Hello Dearest Readers of Inside A Cat's Mind (blogspot),

Thank you for your continued support and interest in reading my blog. It means so much to me that people find my blog 'informative'. However, I've decided to move to a different blog host and I hope that you will still find time to read my articles in my 'new' site called Inside A Cat's Mind. Well, of course it's only fitting that I title my blog where it all started in the first place.

You can click the link here and it will automatically direct you to my new space.

Goodbye Blogger, you have served me well but change is inevitable right?


Consider this post my last post. To my 2 new followers and commenters, thank you. I hope you visit me in my new site.

Of course, I won't close this site down as I've worked hard building this blog over 2 years now.

I'll see you,

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