Tuesday, July 06, 2010

I love your blog too!


Before anything else, I would like to tell my readers, thank you for taking time to read my posts. Honestly, I just wanted to blog not expecting to have followers since there are quite a lot of better blogs out there, experienced ones. But I am really surprised to have followers, I don’t really mind if you want to follow me or not, the fact that I see in the statistics that my blog is being read is more than enough for me. That’s why in my first anniversary (Which is next year), I will be having a very different kind of contest.


My very first follower was Salmoncat, so I thank you. Huge thanks to the wonderful Lady E for giving me such a humble award, the I love your blog award *blush*


Thank you so much, I know others may say, I’m may be making such a big deal out of it, but it is! I never even thought I’d enter the world of blogging, but God showed me my purpose, I may not be able to write stories, but this is definitely better. This is my very first award.


According to rules are the ff:

1. Post the award on your blog
2. Link to the person who has given you the award
3. Pass the award to other 15 blogs you've discovered
4. Let these 15 bloggers know that you've given them an award

Since I’m just new here, I only have 6 followers. But, here’s a list of my favorite bloggers who's keeping it real, I just find their blog realistic and that somehow share the same sentiments.

1. Lady E

2. Sugar sugar

3. Salmon cat

4. Golden

5. Askmewhats – the veteran in beauty blogging, among other veteran, she’s my most favorite.

It’s just not about reading blogs about what’s the latest trend or what? Almost all bloggers blog about the same thing in make-up and fashion, not that I  have any problem with that really, but personally, I just want something different, something real. Just a little info about me, I’m more into make-up than fashion, I just wear what I feel like, but mostly my fashion “sense” is the elegant classic look”. I’m no fashionista, my taste is very simple.


So, these are my top 5 favorite blogs! Cheers to you!




  1. awww! thanks kitten! I'm also into cats, japan (for the animes and sushi), kikay stuff and food kasi! so I followed you(like a stray cat:).

  2. @Salmoncat: weeee, so like me too!thanks too ^_^


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